Shenzhen SunSoont Technology Co.,Ltd
Shenzhen SunSoont Technology Co.,Ltd

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  • NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe
  • NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe
  • NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe
  • NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe
NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe NF-8209 digital and analog  signaling all in one network toner and probe

NF-8209 digital and analog signaling all in one network toner and probe

NF-8209 is a new generation to offer digital and analog signaling all in one network toner and probe. It has three
modes for options to track cable like digital mode, analog mode and PoE mode. That means it's equipped with the
most powerful cable location technologies for any work environment. Also, it includes cable length measurement ,
cable faults testing, PoE testing, hub blink and NCV function, all these makes it a must-tool for cabling engineers.
