Shenzhen SunSoont Technology Co.,Ltd
Shenzhen SunSoont Technology Co.,Ltd

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  • NF-816L Transmitter
  • NF-816L Transmitter
  • NF-816L Transmitter
  • NF-816L Transmitter
NF-816L Transmitter NF-816L Transmitter NF-816L Transmitter NF-816L Transmitter

NF-816L Transmitter

The underground wire locator is designed to allow the user to track low voltage cables used for garden and landscape automatic watering systems, and also low voltage garden lighting systems.

It can also be used to trace other metal cables.

The system uses a ''transmitter'1 to send a signal down the cable being traced or to a solenoid valve that is
being located.

A "receiver" is then used to pick up the signal and follow the cable or locate the coil.

As the receiver antenna swings past the underground cable, a tone will be heard on either side of the cable path, when
you are right over the buried wire, you'll get a gradual increase in the tone and hear the loudest sound.

You can adjust the transmitter and receiver controls to move further distances according to your wire depth.

You can also use the ear phones to assist with the detection.

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